Saturday, April 9, 2011



I've had the loveliest long vodka morning with Andrea since before the sun came up; actually, it's not ever as if I noticed it going down. It's been the most- being with Andrea and not sitting my corona no. 3 on anything flat so as to type a story to the Post in the longest of times. Laughing and lounging, the two things I love best are in abundance whenever he's got me in rapt attention.

France was spellbinding, but Spain seems reverentially sunny and soft day after day. As if I could go on forever.

I find him hot to my cool.


1 comment:

  1. Jacqueline,

    Bon soir, I have thought of you often, I can't wait to smell you sitting next to me. I looked for you in Italia, but I did not see you.

    I will be in Spain the end of the month, I have another mission from His Holiness, and it is one that is filled with danger and secrets. Oh Jacqueline, how I am tired of all the secrets, I long to share with you the adventures that I have seen some night when we lay in each others arms watching the sun come alive after a night of enchanting romance the likes that neither one of us has seen...

    I met with Andrea the other week, completely by accident of course! She happend in the bistro and I had the only table with an open seat, so of course I invited her to sit with me. What a charming lady, I can see why you love her so dearly. We talked for what seemed like minutes but when I looked down upon my watch I was suprised that it had been hours. What a wonderful time we had, and we decided that the conversation was so engaging that we must continue it that evening over dinner.

    She talked of you endlessly, it was as it we both knew of you from the inside. I loved the story that she told me about Pamplona when you two went to watch the bulls, and how you mesmerized a certain bull fighter in the ring and almost cost him his life, yes, I know that captivating beauty, I have been taken by it myself...

    Au revoir,

    Marcus de Luc
