Saturday, April 18, 2009


Oh darling, we're on safari this morning, though it's narely (is that a word?) 4a.

The bush looks brown from here, but it's still dark, you know? And I'm in dire need of some harsh Kenya coffee.

The elephants look fat, but they're far away at this point. Actually, they look lazy and fat. Perhaps Americanized. Perhaps wearing computer chips in diamond studded collars.

I need to wire something to the Post by late this evening and things just don't seem quite right. Not for safari.

We need some animals in action. You know, like charging toward us or something.

I want Pamplona!

Oh, wait, there's a native up ahead.

Let me get my recorder for an interview:

Me: So where are you traveling, sir, on this fine dark morning?

Native: umblaho neora nor la ramnboina

Me: Oh. That sounds lovely. Whatever shall you do there?

Native: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........

Me: My. Well, that might be a bit dangerous, don't you think? However, that's quite the stunning outfit you're wearing. Custom made? What a terrific sporty print you're wearing.

Native: Oh, this old thing? Let's talk about the new spring fashions showing in Paris.

Me: Oh darling, yes, let's us do. This safari thing has truly worn me down. And I love, just love that colour against your brown skin. Quite lovely actually.

Native: Who does your hair?

Me: Oh, you wonderful man, you do know my language.


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