Thursday, April 23, 2009


Darling, I had the most splendid meal with the WASP company and all plans have changed. When do they not? I've ditched Harry and the driver and riding the train this very moment. The porter now is in charge of my corona no. 3. You should see my berth, nothing short of a royal carriage. I simply just dialed up Queen Sophia and told her my issues with Harry's demeanor and she agreed that I needed to escape his overwrought emotions for

God save the Queen!

Anyway darling, I'm traveling with Jennet Conant, you know, she's part of the Dahl family, and has the most daring sense of style. Style I can admire, which is so very rare these days. You do remember, darling, Roald Dahl, don't you? He was so tall, handsome and intelligent, and part of that wonderful British spy ring in wartime Washington. They had such madcap times with the Americans in their little espionage operations in swaying them to join the war and save our GREAT ENGLAND. Oh, the wonderful days of Churchill and FDR, that I only can wish were here again. Did you ever make it up to Tuxedo Park on any of your travels to the States?
Well, it's in a sad state of affairs now.

Just heard over the BBC that Americans are losing their jobs faster than I can get room service, which you know darling, is so very easy for me. Well, I mean it's simply beyond my
comprehension that these unemployed PEOPLE are volunteering for non-profit orginazations to keep THEIR MENTAL HEALTH from sliding into depression while staying on the government's dole. Please, someone explain to me how this makes a teapot of sense. Working for free to keep one's spirits up? Have they all gone mad? Well if that's not a foreign state of affairs, don't call me Jacqueline.

Is this the sort of change Americans were all sprited up about during their presidential election? Gawd, it's too much for me to ponder. And now what with Mr. Obama spending so much time traveling Europe, I only can pray we don't run into each other, because I simply refuse to work for free for him. I know, I know, I need to dial up Michelle and ask her to check his temp. She's simply got to rein him in. Too bad she's not HIS Queen. This is no roman a clef, darling. I heard it straight from the BBC.

Anyhow, we're traveling the Coast of Biscane and English Channel through Poitiers, Nantes, Rennes, Caen, Rouer, and should be in Paris by tomorrow morning where my darling driver shall be waiting to escort me off the train.

Wracking, how news from America can be so distressing to one's sunny outlook and I'm simply ashamed for its

What a tragically socialist state they've gotten themselves into now.

Truly, all one needs is friends in all the right places. Well, I mean, LOOK AT ME.

Always affect.-


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