Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The new LIP COLOUR just in from Christian: See above

I'm wearing it tonight when I motor over to France via Spain.

To hell with the Post. I've got places to be seen where I just don't care for my corona no. 3 to be an accessory.

Life just got so frantic once I woke from my nap. The invitations, darling, were just flooding my floor. The tel wouldn't quit ringing and people kept knocking at my door. There was just so much to choose from. I don't know where or however I should begin to tell you of all that's out there in the world tonight. So many invites that I had to narrow it down to only a few this evening and then scramble my social calendar to fit the rest in till late spring.

I chose to leave with the du Pluex crowd, as they're always such marvelous fun. We're starting in Barcelona. Oh, how I adore the Spainiards. Just simply adore. Anyway, darling, I've just got myself in a mad rush right this minute. I'm wearing my Valenciaga gown and won't I look smashing on one of those new little scooters everyone's raving about? Oh, how I do hope the colours match. How charming it all will be.

I do so need those pearls of Babette's, but she's off dancing somewhere with them wrapped round her waist. As always, she's never where I need her, but busy......

Spain in the moonlight and France in the morning? Divine. I'll write as soon as I've settled myself in some quaint little spot or grand mansion. Damn this corona and its weight. But, don't ever forget darling, I do it for the PEOPLE. I love them so. Such darlings to read my Post the way they do. You can't help but to fall in love with your readers.

And how appropriate, my lipstick colour, Ravished in Red Rebellion, as I feel such the rebel, not wiring anything to the Post today, you know? Well, if I wouldn't have had such a dreadful time on the beach I'm quite certain I'd have done my correspondence as required. But, damn that young couple and their radio. People have become so crass, you know. Have you noticed, darling? They really can put you right to your room with their obnoxious behavior.

All I can say is Hail to the Queen and thank the Lord for Christian's fabulous new colour, as I think I'm becoming quite more like ME. Was that not dreadful, that moment when I was sure that today was NOT ALL ABOUT ME? Thank God that has passed ME by.

Anyhow, I've got to run. Best to you, darling.



  1. Oh dear god thank you for Christian going and saving my dear sweet Red Rebellion Ms. Jacqueline+

  2. And what dear god is all this nonsense of interrupting me?! Why of course you are interrupting me darling I simply cannot sit still!
