Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'll have to pen a thank you letter to my new best dear friend Queen Sofia, as she so graciously ordered a driver and car for Harry and me in gratitude for all I had given of myself to her Spain and its PEOPLE. Darling, she is such a lovely woman. So lovely in fact that she's insisted I not only keep the driver and car for my entire holiday in France, but she set Harry and I up in the most fashionable part of Paris at the HOTEL DE CRILLON.

Fortuantely, I think the courtroom scene went quite well, don't you? Everyone was so perfectly dressed that you just couldn't help but feel blessed amongst such ravishing attire. And Harry? Well, I was forced our entire afternoon by the sea to wipe his tears over losing Antony. It was so not me, but it's Harry, you know? And, darling, I would do just anything for him, anything at all. If only he could learn not to have emotions, and be more like me. Anyhow, I find myself rather bored speaking anymore of my time spent in Spain, so lets us not.

Tonight we're first joining the delightful WASP crowd in Boulogne-Billancourt at the fabulous Chez L' Ami Jean restaurant before driving on into Paris. I know darling, they're American, but their ancestors are NOT. And I do so enjoy them as they always have such marvelous gossip about other Americans not in their crowd. Their quite cosmopolitian, you know. Of course never so much as the French, but I'll cover that social set tomorrow when I'm feeling more up to par and can lose Harry.

I truly am spent with him as he wishes to walk along the Seine and mourn for Antony. Gawd, it makes you want to throw yourself to the floor, does it not? Mourning by the Seine? Oh, please. I mean, lets so get over it, as I have so many guests I wish to receive and this is MY holiday, not his. I mean, really darling I couldn't bare Harry ruining my reputation with the French set. They are so not about sympathy. So, obviously you see my predicament and why it's best I let only Americans enjoy my company this evening.

Tomorrow? Oh, darling, my plans. I'm off to Montmartre. And if Harry hasn't pulled himself up by then I'll sneak out without him, as now I have my own driver and all. I shant let him ruin my happiness. He's just become such the pill, truly.

Well darling, France is calling my attention so I must go. Oh, and thank God for my driver as he now is in charge of lugging that damn heavy corona around for ME.


1 comment:

  1. God save the Queen for disposability. I am quite tender for that skillful tool. Now really darling keep the focus on YOU. When Harry is behaving better darling...well, he can lift the Corona around again. Yes splendid.
